Drop-in sessions in Forest Row
Meeting fortnightly on Saturday mornings at 10am, this group is for anyone and everyone who wishes to come along.​
If you are thinking about taking one of our courses and would like to get a feel for being a meditator and chat to those who have already done a course, then this is a great opportunity to do just that. ​
For more experienced meditators this group can be a wonderful support to your practice, to stay connected with the teachings and to get to know some wonderful like-minded people.​This is a friendly and informal session with the opportunity to join us for a coffee or brunch at a café in the village afterwards if you would like. ​
Drop-in groups are not however, run as classes, so whilst you will be supported with some guided practice, there will also be a period of sitting in silence, so having some sense of meditation practice first might help. If in doubt do give us a call and we will be very happy to have a chat to see what would work best for you.​
This group meets on alternate Saturdays in Forest Row, but the venue and dates do occasionally change, so if you are interested in coming along do get in touch for more info.
These sessions are provided on the basis of donations, or what is called "dana" in Pali, which means “generosity” or “giving freely,” a principal that has played a central role throughout Buddhism’s history. ​